Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sarah Palin's Brand of Christianity

What brand of Christianity does Sarah Palin practice? It seems as if she is a renegade Christian gone wild with no restraints. Remember? She went around the country accusing President Barack Obama of being friends with terrorists. Why didn’t the church counsel her on the 9th commandment, thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor? Maybe President Barack Obama did not live next door to her.

What about Sarah inciting anger among Americans that like to say harsh words about others that are different than themselves? Maybe Sarah missed the lesson in Sunday school about James 1:19, “Be quick to listen and slow to speak, and slow to anger.”

I’m not sure what brand of Christianity Sarah and her followers practice, but let’s not allow politicians to conveniently use Christianity to captivate the attention of Christians for financial and political gain. That goes for Sarah Palin and all political opportunists.

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