Monday, May 31, 2010

The Arizona Brand of Jim Crow

Think it not strange that this same racial demon is manifesting again in America even more boldly.

Should immigration be addressed? Yes. Should it be addressed the way Arizona has addressed it? No!

How in the world can someone tell if a person is an illegal immigrant just by looking at the person? It is impossible to do so without racial profiling. I hope the church wakes up from its sleep and begin to speak truth to power concerning these kinds of issues.

This Arizona law is a wolf in sheep's clothing, able to deceive even the elect.

Glenn Beck- Out of Control

I recently listened to Rick on CNN describe the horrific mockery of the President's daughter by Glenn Beck. As I listened to the tapes, I immediately became irritated and angry.

Glenn presents himself as a voice for Christian conservatives, yet he taunts a child continuously without any remorse. I hope that his daughters never have to experience what he has created for President Obama's daughter.

Mr. Beck should review, James 1:19," Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger." He and his sidekick Sarah Palin would do good to go over more of the basic bible principles before they go around parading their brand of Christianity which is Christless.

Such behavior is not representative of Christ. His pastor should sit him down and counsel him about the need to be self-controlled.

Learn Contentment

Philippians 4:11, “Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have.”

The opposite of contentment is covetousness and greed. Both focus on the dissatisfaction of the believer with what I have already done and provided.

Are you too focused on things? Why do you pursue financial status and recognition based on the standards of the world? Am I not enough? It has already been written in my word to seek first the Kingdom and everything else will be given to you.

I see too many of my people in pursuit of my blessings at the expense of forgetting the one that blesses. This saddens my heart. I want to be your everything. I want to be your top priority, but you are often times to busy chasing your own dreams, desires, and fantasies.

Learn the secret of fulfillment by being content in whatever state that you find yourself in. If you truly trust me, you know that I will never place more on you than you can bare. I cannot give you everything that you want because you will always want more and not appreciate that which I have already given you.

I can only give freely to those that have learned how to be content. Learn this lesson quickly and you will experience my open blessings upon your life. There is nothing that I will not give to those that walk upright before me. Walk in the spirit of contentment and receive my unleashed blessings.

Live the Gospel

Philippians 1:27, “Only live a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”

Be holy for I am indeed holy the Lord your God. I see the blended living of my people with the world. I see the compromises of my principles in your daily interactions. I am not pleased, says the Lord God.

My will is for you to be the reflection of who I am. How will unbelievers know who I am if you are not distinct in your actions and lifestyle? How will they hear my word without finding contradictions in the way that my people live opposite of my word? Your failure to live holy impedes the effectiveness of the Gospel.

Have I not been your provider, deliverer, doctor, confidant throughout your life? Can you not commit to the purposes of my word without compromise? Ask me for help. Ask me and I will send you help from my sanctuary.

Commit today to live for me without any stipulations. Commit today to represent my word in action and in deed. The world needs to see a vibrant, dedicated, and consecrated church in this hour. Cease to do evil and learn to do good. Return to me in your heart and embrace my call to true holiness today.

Hear the gospel. Preach the Gospel. Live the Gospel.

Completed Work

Philippians 1:6, “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” NRSV

There have been many situations that you have encountered and I am not oblivious to any. My focus is more on your ability to trust me to be faithful to my word and the words that I have already spoken to you.

Why have you faltered in your faith? Could it be that you are still a work in progress? Yes, my child, you are not yet mature. However, I can see some growth. I can feel your prayers and petitions. I love to see your faith in action. Your faith brings joy to me even to the point of singing.

Hear these words my child! I am not finished with you. There is more pruning, cutting, and molding to be done in your life. Don’t fear the process! The process is necessary if you are going to experience my divine will and destiny for your life.

Don’t fear! Do not become apprehensive. I have given myself a deadline. I promise you. I will complete every work in you before that great day, the return of my Son.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Need for Covering

I believe that one of the most powerful men in the Bible had to have been the Apostle Paul. He had endured much, experienced much, and yet felt the need to mentor a young man by the name of Timothy. I am very partial to Timothy because I believe many of his characteristics and personality are common traits that I possess.

Timothy was a young preacher. A New Breed if you will. He had a call upon his life, but he was unable to fully discern the full extent of that call upon his life because he did not have someone to teach him how to be what God called him to be.

I believe that is probably one of most frequent tragedies in the Body of Christ right now. There are so many Timothy’s that are trying to feel their way through ministry without the benefit of a season leader to guide and direct them. Every young preacher needs Spiritual Covering. This principle is demonstrated throughout the bible concerning Spiritual Covering or today’s modern term mentorship.

Moses was the mentor of Joshua. Moses ensured that Joshua received the benefit of seeing him interact with God and his people. Moses demonstrated the power of God in the presence of Joshua. Moses was deliberate and intentional in his training of Joshua so much so that when he died, Joshua was prepared to lead God’s people into their divine destiny.

Elijah the Prophet mentored Elisha his protégé. Elisha was busy working in the fields and Elijah came his way and threw his cloak on Elisha. Elijah called Elisha to follow him in ministry and left everything familiar to him and followed Elijah. Elisha apparently watched Elijah intently until upon Elijah being swept up by God in a whirlwind, Elisha knew enough to ask his Spiritual Father for a double portion of his anointing. Elijah told him, if you see me as I am going up, it will be granted to you. Elisha watched him with everything that was within him and God indeed gave him double of his leader’s anointing.

This demonstrates a very important lesson for every young preacher. The call upon your life must be sanctioned and nurtured by a seasoned man or woman of God. Please do not go into ministry with just a call. You are going to need more that just a call. You are going to need the careful guidance of someone that has already mastered what you are trying to achieve.

How does this happen? As a young preacher, you will have to submit to the leadership and authority of your pastor. God establishes authority throughout the bible. No one in the Kingdom of God should be a lone ranger or renegade. Young preachers who operate in isolation always find themselves in situations that lead them to compromising their morals or being incompetent in handling situations.

The key to benefiting from your pastor’s leadership is submission. To submit means to willingly follow the leadership and directions of another with trust. There will always be the temptation to step out without guidance because the flesh is incessantly at war with truth and righteousness.

Always remember, you are the pupil and not the instructor. The cost of receiving a leader’s anointing and instruction is complete submission and obedience. One of the ways to counteract the tendency of being at odds with your leader is to ask the Lord to give you a teachable spirit. Learn to bridle your tongue and accept the wisdom of the leader that God has placed as an authority over your life. Whatever you do, do not enter ministry without the sanction of a godly leader.

New Breed: A New Generation of Preachers

There is a constant sound from heaven in these last days for men and women of God that will rightly represent God in expounding, proclaiming, and living the Word of God.

We have seen the downfall of many men and women of God due to the lure of the enemy and the careless trust in ones own ability to live for God. I believe in the midst of an ecclesiastical crisis, God is shaping the hearts and minds of a New Breed of young preachers that are willing to totally commit their lives to the Lord. What does this mean for the Body of Christ and Christian Leaders? It is a Prophetic Mandate from God to deliberately and intentionally invest in the development of the next generation of preachers.

This mandate does not invite the man inspired doctrines of ministry and clergy responsibilities. This mandate from God demands a return back to the Bible as the only reliable source capable of instructioning men and women of God for the work of the ministry. 2 Timothy 3:16 declares, “ All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.”

The missing element in most seminarian instruction, scholarly books, and today’s modern Christian writer is righteousness. Methods, growth strategies, impressive biblical terminology all are good, but it is useless if the man or woman receiving that instruction does not possess true righteousness.

It is now time for this New Breed of Preachers to begin to accept the calling upon your lives and represent the Kingdom of God with Integrity and Character.

Sarah Palin's Brand of Christianity

What brand of Christianity does Sarah Palin practice? It seems as if she is a renegade Christian gone wild with no restraints. Remember? She went around the country accusing President Barack Obama of being friends with terrorists. Why didn’t the church counsel her on the 9th commandment, thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor? Maybe President Barack Obama did not live next door to her.

What about Sarah inciting anger among Americans that like to say harsh words about others that are different than themselves? Maybe Sarah missed the lesson in Sunday school about James 1:19, “Be quick to listen and slow to speak, and slow to anger.”

I’m not sure what brand of Christianity Sarah and her followers practice, but let’s not allow politicians to conveniently use Christianity to captivate the attention of Christians for financial and political gain. That goes for Sarah Palin and all political opportunists.